Jiro de Armas

Jiro de Armas

Web and WordPress Developer


As a professional WordPress developer, I have a passion for using the underscores.me starter theme, Bootstrap, and jQuery to create beautiful, functional designs that are tailored to the needs of my clients.

Beach resort website

Villa Saturnina Resort - WordPress, ACF

Beach resort website

Cafe template website - Woocommerce, ACF

Beach resort website

Restaurant website template - HTML, CSS, Photoshop

Beach resort website

Cafe template website - HTML, CSS, Photoshop

Contact me to see some of my previous works.


Design and Development:

Experienced integrating WordPress with these softwares:


About me

Welcome to my website! I am a professional WordPress developer with over 7 years of experience in the field. My passion lies in developing WordPress themes from scratch, and I take pride in creating websites that are tailored to the specific needs of my clients.

One of my key priorities when developing websites is ensuring that they are optimized for search engines. I firmly believe that a website is only truly effective if it is easily discoverable by potential visitors, which is why I always keep SEO best practices in mind when creating my designs.


Send me an email at jirodearmas@gmail.com

See my CV